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Retire Repurposed

May 28, 2021

On this episode, Ben Taatjes and I wrap-up our mini-series on retirement communities. We reiterate the fact that retirement communities are not a problem. However, they have exposed a deeper issue with the way our society views retirees and the “American Dream." In this podcast, we pose challenges to...

May 27, 2021

On this episode, Ben Taatjes and I talk about the good and bad regarding retirement communities. No doubt, retirement communities do lots of good for the life of a retiree. However, too much of a good thing can be bad. In this podcast, we propose three ways retirement communities fall short of living a...

May 21, 2021

On this episode, Ben Taatjes and I talk about the good things retirement communities have done for the life of a retiree and how they have provided solutions for retirees’ deepest needs. In this podcast, we will take a deeper look how the popularity of retirement communities has spread since their launch by Del...

May 14, 2021

On this episode, Ben Taatjes and I talk about the development of the very first retirement community launched on January 1st, 1960 by Del Webb in Sun City, AZ. In this podcast, we take a look at the life of Del Webb and explain how he created a solution geared towards an emerging retirement population that no one else...

May 7, 2021

On this episode, Ben Taatjes and I talk about how the demand for retirement communities was formed decades before the very first retirement community was established in 1960. In this podcast, Ben will explain four major factors that shaped the mindset towards retirement and how these have led to how we view...